The second Sunday of Advent tells us to be prepared for Lords coming. The liturgy of today speaks of repentance, personal change of heart, a transformation or conversion. Repentance is more than merely grieving over our sins; it is a call to change for the better.
In today’s Gospel Matthew presents us John the Baptist as he introduces Jesus to the world. He calls people to prepare the way for the Lord and. make his paths straight. His words have an advice and warning for each one of us.
John the Baptist is presented to us as a precursor of Jesus, who is the Messiah. John’s task was to straighten out the human hearts and he imparted truth as he saw it: to Herod, to all the people, the Pharisees, Sadducees. He was a voice that summoned people to justice and right and led them to God. The Jews in general respected him and went to him easily to listen to him. His mission was very much the reminder of Prophet Elijah who was identified with fire. Fire is a symbol of purification.
Great crowd came from all the surrounding region of Judea and the Jordan valley to hear his powerful call to a change of heart. Those who truly repented of their sinful life acknowledged their sins and went through a cleansing ritual namely a baptism in the River Jordan. John’s baptism would only signify grace, the baptism of Jesus in the Holy Spirit would actually cause grace.
That became the sign of repentance which Jesus was to preach and sign of his kingdom. As we prepare the way of the Lord in our lives, we are called to review the status of our disposition towards the grace of God.
In this holy season of advent, as we prepare to welcome Christ at Christmas John the Baptist has his words of advice and warnings for each one of us. He advises us to prepare the way of the Lord, by true repentance. During Advent, we are called to be repentant of our sins. We are called to pray unceasingly, to make penance, and to perform acts of charity towards our brothers and sisters in Christ. So, in these remaining days of Advent, let us each commit to taking to heart the message of John the Baptist: to truly repent of our sins in order to make straight the way in our hearts.