Today’s feast of the Holy Family brings back for me many childhood memories, especially childhood memories about going to church. When my siblings and I were still kids, my parents would usually bring us together as a family for Mass every Sunday. Today’s Gospel presents us baby Jesus and His parents in the Temple.
We think that Holy Family did not have problems because they have special Heaven protection-special angels, special grace. Being the Holy Family does not mean that they have no worries or anxieties or problems. Mary & Joseph always work as a team. They support each other, love each other, & respect each other. They are models for all of us.
Mary & Joseph always work together. Who was number one in this Family? No one because they serve each other too. They together fount solutions in their family problems. It is not about who is right or wrong. They go together through the struggles and difficulties of family life.
Nowadays parents have a difficult time bringing up their children, especially in giving them a religious education. Getting them to come on time for Mass on Sunday or CCD is already difficult enough. Without the religious dimension of the family life, then it is almost impossible to have family values. If parents want children to respect them then they have to teach their children to respect God first and then the children will know what to do.
Parents have to be firm with their children in their religious manners like coming for Mass on Sundays and praying together as a family. It is not easy especially when parents themselves are so busy and children are so independent, and very often children prefer go on Sunday sport events instead of going to the church. But if there is to be any family love, warmth and unity, then God must be in the center of the family. The family that prays together will stay together in difficult and challenging times.